Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Once again the weather weasels got it wrong.  We got rain, changed to snow, then back to rain.  The most we got was a dusting of snow.  A far cry from 5 to 7 inches they forecasted.  These are the same people that are preaching man caused climate change!!  Yet we are supposed to believe them when they tell us all that gloom and doom about how we are going to all burn up and the coastal cities will be under water from global warming 10, 20, 50, whatever years from now.  Why does anyone take them seriously when they can't even get the weather right for that very same day!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, there are way too many idiots that believe that nonsense! The only thing they got right was that it got very cold.

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