Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Left Orange Lake, FL this morning at 4:15 and drove up to Griffin, Georgia and loaded a Caterpillar C27 Engine and a parts box that is going to Altoona, Iowa.  

Left there in real good time.  Had no problems with traffic going around Atlanta or Nashville.  Stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Kuttawa, Kentucky.

There was a nice looking steak house right across the street so I walked over there for dinner.  Once again the service for a single person in a restaurant was pathetic!!  I was seated right away and my server came right over and brought my water glass and took my order.  That was the last I saw of her until I was ready to leave.  I sat there for an eternity waiting for my meal.  I also noticed that all the other tables in there were brought a small basket of rolls.  I was the only single person and the only one without rolls.  Finally my dinner arrived by a different server.  I ate it.  Still no server.  When I was ready to go I had to go find someone to get my check and who to pay.  By now I was pretty pissed off.  After driving 727 miles (1,170 km), I was in no mood for this crap.  She got no tip!!! Unfortunately, this happens all the time.  OK, I'm done ranting now.

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