Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I overslept this morning and got a late start.  Fortunately with the longer daylight hours, it didn't matter.  Got on the road and first thing I was cut off again.  Happens every day to almost every truck on the road.  

Even so, had a great day on the road.  As I went over the Mississippi River into Iowa came upon a crash that just occurred.  Not sure how it happened but a pick up truck with a trailer was jack knifed and pointed the wrong way on the east side of the bridge.  Here is the video as I passed it.

That is all the interesting stuff from today.  Made it all the way to the Pilot truck stop in Paducah, Kentucky.  Didn't plan on it at all, but I may be able to deliver tomorrow.  Hope so!!  we shall see.

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