Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

This morning drove up to Poughkeepsie, PA.  Had to wait at the Newburgh-Beacon bridge that goes over the Hudson River.  They had to stop traffic so that the oversized loads could go across the bridge.  They only do that twice a day, 10 am and 2 pm.  If you aren't there then you have to wait till the next day.  It also costs $100 plus the bridge toll to go across.  I was there an hour and a half early.  At 2 pm there was another truck behind me to go across too.  At 2:30 they stopped traffic and off we went.  Once I exited the interstate to go up to Poughkeepsie, NY it took 30 minutes to go 11 miles.  Finally made it there and delivered the excavator.  I then drove back to Carlisle, PA.  Going to have service done on the truck tomorrow.

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