Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Went back over to Daily this morning and got things switched over in their computers and some other "admin" stuff.  My truck was finished in the shop a little while later and I finished (sort of) getting moved into it.  Then went and filled up the fuel tanks.  The CB antenna were both missing, so I went to the truck stop and got a couple of them and put them on. Did  a few more things around Daily then back to the hotel for one more night.

My load Wednesday morning has changed a bit.  Someone got the pick up location and the destination switched.  They are going to pay me to go down to Columbia, SC and load Wednesday morning.  I'll be delivering in Frederick, MD on Thursday.  So, tomorrow morning I will drive down there.  I'll go to bed early and leave here whenever I get up.  Actually this works out better.  I'l get a little driving time empty with this truck to get a better "feel" for it before putting a 70,000 pound (31,751 kg) machine on it.

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