Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday, August 18, 2017

Had several goals to meet today.  The first one was to get through the Lexington, KY area before the curfew started.  The second was to get through the West Virginia Turnpike today because they do not allow permitted loads Saturday or Sunday.  The third was to get to the Petro truck stop in Raphine, Virginia.  

As soon as my required ten hours off was up, we left this morning. Made it through Lexington with no problems.  First goal met.  The rest of the day was through the mountains.  Had rain for most of the trip too.  Stopped at a rest area on the West Virginia Turnpike do do that required stupid 30 minute break.  When it was time to go I started out.  There was a truck broken down at the end just before pulling out blocking the only way out.  I had my escort car block off the entrance so no one would come up behind me. Then I had to back all the way out of the rest area then drive through the cars only area to get out.  Got out of that mess and made it off the West Virginia Turnpike.  Second goal met.  Continued on and made it to the Petro truck stop in Raphine, Virginia with less than 30 minutes left on the clock.  Third goal met.  Will be here for the weekend.  417 miles today and was quite a workout for both me and the truck.  I'm exhausted.  Good night.

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