Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 217

Got a late start this morning because I had to wait for my Mississippi permit to come in.  When it arrived, I left.  While on the way this afternoon I got a call and a change of plans.  

Instead of delivering tomorrow I'm going to the Daily yard in Houston and leaving my trailer and load there.  I'm getting a different trailer and going back to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to get a crane to bring back to Houston.  After that I go back to the Daily yard and get my trailer and load and deliver it.

I went to the Daily yard and dropped my trailer and picked up the other trailer.  The only problem was that I had to bring all the chains and binders with me.  So I had to take all the chains and binders off my load and put them on the other trailer.  I will spend the night in the yard and leave for Baton Rouge as soon as my 10 hours is up.  Good night!!

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