Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Went to the Daily Express's annual banquet last night.  Daily provides us with a hotel room for the night.  It was a pretty good event.  Food was good.  Wasn't real happy with the hotel room this year.  After all the speeches from the "big wigs" they had drawings for the door prizes.  They always have lots of very good door prizes.  Just about everyone gets one.  I had my eye on a pair of heavy shackles. I got lucky and my number was one of the first ones drawn so I got the shackles I wanted.  I know it doesn't look like much, but each one has a working load limit of 24,000 pounds.  Exactly what I wanted.  They are about $50 each.

This morning I checked out of the hotel real early, went back to the Daily yard and picked up my trailer.  At sunrise I left and headed toward New York.  Can't go into NY until tomorrow so I stopped at a truck stop on I-84 in Sterling, PA for the rest of the day.

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