Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018

Left at sunrise this morning.  About an hour in came to a complete halt.  There was a wreck about 5 miles ahead.  They were landing a helicopter in the road.  Heard that there was a fatality too.  After about 45 minutes traffic started to move again.  Here was the wreck.

Then came the South Carolina detour.  The detour was not 248 miles.  That was the total mileage in South Carolina.

Traffic remained heavy all day.  In the Savannah, Georgia had another 45 minute delay from another wreck.  Can you see it?  Look close...

No?   Try this view...

Here is a close up...

Had a few more "slow downs" from all the traffic but no more bumper to bumper.   With all the delays it was totally impossible to deliver today.  I barely had enough hours left to get to Jacksonville.  But I did make it there to the Daily terminal.  I'll stay here until Sunday.

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