Saturday, September 22, 2018

Saturday, September 22, 2018

As soon as my 10 hours was up I left and continued on toward Victoria.  There is one truck stop in Victoria and it is crap so I do not go there.  Instead, I go to the TA truck stop in Ganado, TX.  Drove seven hours and fifty nine minutes.  Had to stop along the side of the road for 30 minutes only 12 miles from the truck stop.  Why did I have to stop, you might be asking? Because some jackass that sits behind a desk thinks that I am not able to drive after 8 hours without a 30 minute break.  If I do, it is considered an "EGREGIOUS" violation and I would be fined... are you ready for this?  $2700!!!  Tell me something, at your job, if you decide to continue working through your break or lunch, is the Government going to fine you $2700????   It does mine!  How freekin' stupid!!!  Thank God I live in a "free" country. 

Anyway, now it is time for an afternoon and evening of SEC football!!!!!!

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