Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Had to time when I left this morning so that I would get to Kansas City at 9 am when curfew ended.  I was perfect!!!  Entered the curfew area at exactly 9 am.  

Home of the Kansas City Royals
In Iowa, lots of flooded farm land.  All the photos below are supposed to be farms, not lakes.

This is an exit ramp. If you look closely you can see the Stop signs at the intersection in the water.

Went past the Sioux City, Iowa Airport.  That is the site of one of the most amazing plane crashes in US history.  Click here for more information on it.  I remember this very well.  The video below is excellent about it.

Continued on up to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to the Flying J truck stop for the night.  Went in for dinner to the Denny's restaurant.  Well, it happened again.  I was seated by the hostess and promptly ignored.  Sat there for a very long time before I left.  I ate someplace else.

I was lying in bed watching TV when the weather radio went off saying that there was a Tornado Warning in my area and to take cover immediately.  I got dressed and went outside.  The sky looked cool.  Saw a tornado, not a huge one.  Here are a few pictures...

Here is the same system trying to make another one, but it didn't happen.

Never a dull moment.

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