Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Left at 2:30 AM EDT and drove the rest of the way to Kernersville.  Got there just before they opened.  Once they opened, loaded a John Deere 350 Excavator that is going to Longview, Texas.  

I did real good this morning.  Was out of there and on the road by 8:30.  I got a lot farther than I thought I would today, 485 miles.  But had to stop just before getting to Tennessee because my wonderful dispatcher didn't order it until 1:30 this afternoon.  That was an hour after I had stopped to wait for it.  I wanted to get into Tennessee before I ran out of hours, so I went anyway.  Stopped for the night at a "mom & pop" truck stop in Newport, Tennessee.  At 3:38 PM my Tennessee permit came in.  Good thing I didn't wait because I would have been out of hours when it got here. I could have made it to Knoxville.  Oh well.  At least it came in.  I'll be able to start again as soon as my 10 hours are up.  Can drive at night in Tennessee. I like that!!!

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