Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday, April 10, 2020

Left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Weather couldn't be any better!!   It is so nice not having a lot of traffic on the roads.  Coming into Omaha, Nebraska visitors are greeted with this...

I always enjoy seeing the old steam engine and the new diesel electric locomotive sitting up there as I pass by.  Farther on down I-80, a lot farther, I went under the Archway.  It is closed right now because of this COVID-19 virus stupidity. 

Continued on into Wyoming and stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Burns, WY.  That is just east of Cheyenne.  The restaurant here is closed but the Taco Bell and Burger King are open.  Look at how they are "serving" their customers...

I've seen some stupid stuff before, but this is the dumbest so far.  Media driven hysteria.  So stupid!!!
Anyway, I ordered 4 chicken soft tacos from Taco Bell.  She was going to charge me $19 !!!  I told her that she was out of her mind and cancelled my order.  Had crappy Burger King instead.  The weather in Wyoming is supposed to deteriorate tomorrow.  Supposed to get snow.  They say up to 7 inches in some places.  I'll leave here a half hour before sunrise and hope I can beat it.  

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