Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Much to my surprise I went in to unload this morning.  Followed a nacelle in.  On the way in the roads were not as good as before.  Even though they were dry, they were soft in places.  In two places the nacelle was going up hill and lost traction.  Had to back down and try it again.  At the top of one hill his trailer bottomed out.  He had to raise it up all the way.  Even with it all the way up  he still scraped.  I did not have those problems.  My trailer is shorter and my load was not as heavy.   Behind us was a couple tower sections and three blades.  The first tower section was a base.  His truck got stuck on one of the hills.  His truck couldn't pull he hill.  He had everything blocked behind him.  The driver of the Nacelle in front of me dropped his trailer and went back to get the tower section that was stuck.  He hooked up the the base and pulled it up.  The last hill before getting up to where I was, he lost traction and got stuck.  A road grader was with us and pulled him the rest of the way up.  When he got up to level ground he dropped that trailer and got back under his.  The cranes set up and unloaded the nacelle.  Then they unloaded me.  As I was making my way out to head back to get another one I got an email from Daily in Carlisle saying not to go to Garden City, they were shut down.  He didn't know why.  So I went back to the Sac & Fox Truck Stop where I started from.  Will sit here until I know where I'm to go next.  They are really backed up here.  There are 5 hubs, and quite a few nacelles and blades all over the place waiting.

**I just found out why Garden City was shut down.  Someone backed over someone and killed him.  Lots of investigations going on from City, State, OSHA, etc. **

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