Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 Got up early this morning to replace a headlight bulb that had gone out. Shortly after that little task was completed my pole car arrived.  He got his car set up while I finished my pre-trip inspection.  We left at sunrise.  Had a very uneventful trip.  I was worried that I was going to miss the fall colors this year but I was very happy to see that I didn't.  Lots of great autumn colors still left to see. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate to give me optimum viewing.  It was very cloudy and heavily overcast all day with rain in New York.  We drove all the way to Syracuse and delivered the wheel loader.  Went from there to the TA truck stop in Binghamton, New York for the night.  Next load is tomorrow morning at the Port of Baltimore.  I'll leave here real early in the morning.

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