Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

 Left a little before sunrise this morning and drove the rest of the way to Corpus Cristi.  About 6 miles from delivery, while still on I-37, a trailer tire blew.  I pulled over to the side of the Interstate and determined that I could continue on without causing any further damage.  I drove slowly to the oil refinery where I was delivering.  While waiting for them to get set up in there, I had the tire guy come out to change both tires on the trailer.  He arrived and pulled the first tire off.  It was the outside tire. It was the one that did not blow.  It just had some really bad wear and needed replacing.

He was unable to get the inside tire, the blown tire, off.  Did everything possible to do there, but nothing worked.

I had him put it all back together and said I would go to his shop after they unloaded me.  Shortly after putting it back on, I went in to unload.  That only took a few minutes and I was on my way to the tire shop.

He used a forklift with a chain from the forklift around the tire to pull it off.   It put up quite a fight.  After several attempts to get it off, it finally came off.  

Two new tires were put on and I was out of there.  Don't have another load yet so I drove back to Houston to the Daily terminal to wait. 

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