Thursday, March 11, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

 This morning when I went to leave I had been blocked in by three trucks.  It took a half-hour of backing up and "wiggling" between them to get out.  Believe me, it wasn't easy!!!  By 2:30 am I was pulling out of the parking lot and on my way, damage-free of course.  Made good time until I got to Nashville.  Just west of Nashville my permit routed me on a wicked set of back roads.  It was slow going.  That added an extra hour to my travel times today.

About an hour after I got back on I-40 traffic came to a standstill.  Road construction.  It took an hour to go 7 miles!!!!  Once I got past that mess I continued on into Arkansas.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Earle, AR.  While doing my post-trip inspection found that a mud flap had fallen off my truck sometime today.  Have no idea where.  It was there this morning.  Checked in at the repair shop to have it replaced.  They were backed up so it took a long time before they were able to do the work.  

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