Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

 Last night the evening shift in the trailer shop took my trailer in and started to work on it.  This morning my truck didn't go into the truck shop until 11 am.  At about 2 this afternoon I took another driver to Delaware to pick up a truck and trailer from a guy that broke his leg and couldn't drive for a while.  We went in the pickup truck that we all use when we are at Daily in Carlisle. When I got back to Carlisle I went straight to Wal-Mart and bought stuff to restock my truck.  Then back to Daily for the night.  The truck shop had finished with my truck for the day and had parked it outside for me.  Tomorrow it has to go to International in Harrisburg for some more work.  My trailer is still in the shop. So far they have replaced at least one wheel hub, replaced another airbag, replaced an air tank, rewired most of the trailer because it was all a mess.  Replaced the ABS "brains".  Replaced the tag light, rewelded one of the "D" rings that broke. They also added 4 more "D" rings (at my request) in locations where I wanted them.  Not sure what else they are going to do.  I have a feeling I'll be sitting in Harrisburg all day tomorrow waiting for them to finish the truck.

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