Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

 My next load is already sitting on my trailer in the Daily yard.  This morning I went over there and secured it to the trailer and got it ready to go for when my truck is ready.  Unfortunately, my truck wasn't done today.  The hotel I was initially in was booked solid Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so I had to go to a different hotel yesterday. The hotel I was in last night was not, shall we say, acceptable.  Last night at about 10:30 what sounded like a black male knocked on my door saying "Housekeeping". Well, I'm not stupid enough to answer the door.  He went away.  So today I got a different hotel through the rest of the weekend.  There is a very popular car show in town this weekend so rooms are extremely difficult to get.  Click here to see the car show.  Managed to get a room just down the road.  I was lucky.  When I checked the air conditioner this is what I found...

I had them come and clean it.

The cable TV in this hotel sucks too!!!!  Oh well.  At least I'll be able to see the Gators tomorrow.  6 PM on ESPN, if you are interested.

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