Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday, June 3, 2022

 Got started this morning at 2:30.  I got very lucky today.  No traffic problems going around Richmond or  Washington DC.  Traffic was heavy all day. Had a few areas of slow & go between Washington and Baltimore, but it wasn't bad.  No problems in Baltimore or Philadelphia either.  AMAZING!!! Delivered the roller.  Next load was over in Monroe Township, New Jersey.  Went over there and loaded a big thing of metal.  Have no idea what it is or what it's for.  All I know is that it is going to Charlotte, North Carolina to be refurbished.

I was just about out of hours for today after driving 575 miles.  They were kind enough to let me stay there where I loaded so I could get my 10 hours done.  As soon as they are done I'll be heading toward Charlotte.  Lots of night driving so the traffic should be a lot lighter.

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