Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday, July 29, 2022

 When my 10 hours were up, I wanted to leave.  Started the truck and got this...

I shut the truck off, sent an email to the shop, and went back to bed.  Once everyone in Carlisle got to work they decided to have the truck towed to International in Jacksonville for repairs.

At 1:45 this afternoon they came and said they couldn't find anything wrong.  No fault codes, nothing. I showed them the photos of what it did and then emailed the photos to them.  They went back and discussed it with a bunch of other people. Glad I photograph everything!! They rechecked the plugs and test drove it over some real bumpy roads and still nothing. Everything worked as it should.  Than figures!!  So, after several phone calls and discussions it was decided to leave the truck there and try to recreate the conditions that caused the malfunction.  So I left the truck there with the APU running as it was last night.  I left instructions to keep the APU running and how to restart it if the shut it off, otherwise the truck batteries will go dead. We will see Monday morning when I go back.

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