Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

 Another day of waiting.  In the meantime, here is a Google Maps satellite view of the construction site where I'll deliver the generator.  This is an older photo.  The arrows point to where the buildings are. Each building is a massive data center.

Here is a closer view of one of the buildings.  Along the upper side of the building, you see a row of small grey rectangles. The arrow points to only one of them.  Each one of those grey rectangles is one of the generators that I have.  They set the generator on a 10,000-gallon fuel tank. Then an enclosure is placed over the generator. The grey rectangle is the enclosure.  Each of these data center buildings has 34 generators that supply backup power in the event of a power failure.

Kinda gives you an idea of the size of this over-a-billion-dollar project.

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