Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strarted off good.  Got through El Paso before the sun came up and missed all the traffic. Went through a Border Patrol check point on I-10 just west of El Paso.

Border Patrol Check Point on I-10 West of El Paso, Texas
Had some nice scenery on I- 10 as the sun came up.

I-10 east of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Looks better in person, but you get the idea
Stopped for lunch in Eloy, Arizona.  Went back to the truck and it would not start.  Goodie!!  Fortunately I was at a TA truck stop.  Got them to bring the service truck over and jump start my truck.  I knew I had weak batteries and they finally gave out.  Put the truck in the service bay.  They checked out the batteries.  Two of the three were very bad.  Replaced all three.  They aint cheap!!  Then my sun glasses broke!!  Three hours later I was back on the road.

My nerdy sun glasses
Here is a photo of the US / Mexico border.  The "famous" border fence.
The fence is the black line under the power lines.
Just inside California on I-8 is the Imperial Sand Dunes.  Best place to ride an ATV.  Sand dunes just like the desert.

Went through another Border Patrol check point on I-8 in California.

Stopped for the night at the Golden Acorn Casino in Campo, California after driving 692 miles today.

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