Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Got on the road from Laramie, WY early this morning. 

Was driving along I-70 about 50 miles east of Denver at about 2:45am local time, had my cruise control set at 73 (speed limit is 75 there).  I was the only vehicle anywhere in sight.  All of a sudden one of my worst fears of night driving almost came true! There was a deer standing right in the middle of my lane.  This was not just any deer, this was the biggest buck I have ever seen.  This thing was the size of a cow!!  The rack on his head was huge!!  I hit the breaks to release the cruise control and rapidly changed lanes.  I just missed hitting him by inches!!  If I had hit him he would have destroyed the front of my truck.  Would have taken out the radiator and who knows what else under the hood.  The hood & bumper would also have been toast!! At least I know my heart works good!!!

Stopped and ate dinner at "The Big Texan" in Amarillo, Texas then continued on to Quanah, TX to spend the night in a  restaurant parking lot.  Drove 698 miles today.

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