Sunday, February 13, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Went over and got loaded this morning.  5 steel coils.  Two of them are going to Columbia Falls, Montana and the other three are going to Fullerton, North Dakota.  After I got them all chained and strapped down and then tarped I went to the scale. 

I was WAY overweight on my drive axles (rear truck tires) and overweight on the gross by 400+ pounds.  So I returned to the place I got the load.  Untarped, unstrapped and unchained, and rearranged the load.  Then re-chained, re-strapped, and re-tarped.  Went back to the scale.  The axle weights were fine but still overweight on the gross.  No big deal.  I could burn off that weight in fuel.  Took a bypass road around the first scale and all the rest were closed.  I did good.  Stopped at a TA truck stop and replaced both front tires.  They were pretty bad.  When that was done I drove some more.  Stopped for the night Spokane, Washington.

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