Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Got on the road early.  Was about a 2 hour drive to Fullerton, ND where I was delivering.  Made good time.  About 4 miles from delivery I turned down the road that the place was on.  Got about a quarter mile down the road and drove through a snow drift.  Then after that there was a dry patch and then the whole road was gone.  It was not plowed ahead for as far as I could see.  I stopped and decided to back out, there was no place to turn around.  Did fine till I hit the snow drift and then I got stuck.  I dug for 2 hours and also tried to put on the chains.  Non of that worked.  Finally called a wrecker.  No other choice.  $340.50 later I was unstuck and backing the rest of the way out.  Took another way to get to the delivery.  By this time I was soaking wet, exhausted, and really pissed!!!!   Delivered the steel coils and went over to Gwinner, ND to the factory where they make Bobcats.  They loaded 5 of them on and after securing them to the trailer I was off again. By this time I could hardly move.  My back hurt so much it was difficult to get in the truck.

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Rogers, MN just west of Minneapolis.

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