Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Went back to Solon, OH to the Home Depot Distribution Center for my 11 am appointment.  Got there at 10:30 am.  When I checked in I found out that my appointment was not at 11, as I was told, but it was at 1 pm.  Just great!!  She said she would try to get me in early if she could.  So I went across the street to a parking lot to another warehouse that was unoccupied, un-tarped and un-strapped the load. and waited.  At 12:30 she called me on the phone and said "come on over".  So much for getting in early!!  At 1:15 a guy came over on a fork life and told me to drive around to the other side of the building and someone would come out and get me.  At 1:45 they had me drive inside the building and wait at an unloading area.  At about 2:10 they started to unload the truck.  Hallelujah!!!!!  Oh, by the way, I had another load to pick up before 2:00.  At 2:30 they finished and I was off to get my next load.  Fortunately it was only 15 minutes away.  The broker called them and explained the situation I was in and they agreed to hold over until I could get there.  WHEW!!

Went into Cleveland and got my next load.  22 pallets (45,300 pounds) of highway glass powder.  I know you are all wondering what the heck that is so I'll tell ya.  When they paint the lines on the roads there are 2 nozzles on the truck that sprays the paint lines.  One nozzle is the paint and the second is right behind it and it sprays this glass powder into the wet paint.  The glass powder is what makes the lines reflective.  This load is going to Medley, Florida. 

When I finished there I drove back to the TA truck stop in Canton, Ohio and took a long shower, ate dinner, and went to bed.

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