Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

Went into Savannah, GA this morning first thing.  Got there at 6:30.  They told me that I needed "V" boards.  I didn't have them.  Had to go over to Home Depot, buy the stuff to make them, and then make them. That took 4 hours to do.  Went back and got loaded with 600 rolls of tar paper.  Just finished tarping the load when the thunder storm started.

 Left there at 3:30 this afternoon and went straight to the truck stop.  Just my luck, I hit bumper to bumper traffic and it took an hour to drive 5 miles!!  When I finally got to the truck stop I took a long hot shower and ate dinner.  Then I drove up to the Pilot truck stop in Columbia, South Carolina for the night.  Hope tomorrow is a lot better!!!

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