Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Got up this morning after a GREAT nights sleep.  That bed was soooooo comfortable!!!!  Had an excellent breakfast in the hotel restaurant.  Then walked over to the trucks where the crane was waiting to unload us.  I was last to be unloaded.  While waiting, the local sheriffs deputies started to show up.  They wanted to take a bunch of photos of my truck.

Then the fire department arrived.  They too wanted photos.

A survivor of the 9/11 attack, who now lives in the Denver area, was brought over by one of the deputies.  He was the Emergency Management Director in NYC.  He has been suffering major health problems since then.  So far he has had two transplants and needs a third.  It was on honor to talk to him.

After I got empty, I drove down to Pueblo, CO for my next load.  Back to the real world.  Picked up 26 railroad rails weighing 44,000 pounds. 

They are going to Minneapolis MN.  Drove up to York, Nebraska to a truck stop for the night.

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