Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Left Girard, Ohio and drove all day.  This morning we put a flag on my load.  Was difficult to find a place to put it because of all the sharp edges and jagged metal parts that would rip a flag to shreds in no time. 

There were cars passing us and then when they realized what we had on board would slow back down and let us go by them and then they would take photos out the windows as they passed.  Others would race ahead , pull over and stand on the side of the road and take photos as we passed.  We went through a toll booth and the female toll taker was so moved that she burst into tears and could hardly do her job.  When we arrived in St. Louis, MO we were told to get off I-70 at Memorial Drive.  That is the road that passes in front of the Gateway Arch.  When we left the Interstate the police and traffic units had the road blocked off for us.  We stopped briefly in the road for photographs.  As we passed by, people were taking photos, law enforcement officers stood at attention and saluted.  It was an amazing and very emotional site to behold. We then pulled back out on I-70 and continued west.  We found out that we would be in the St. Louis newspaper Sunday morning.  Here are a couple videos that I shot from my dash cam. 

When we would stop at rest areas, it took twice as long to get back out because people would recognize what we had and came over to talk, ask questions, and take photographs. Others just wanted to touch the steel.  Here is a photo that I took of one of the many photographers that took our picture as we were leaving a rest area.

Stopped for the night in Kingdom City, Kansas.

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