Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

After a very good nights sleep in the hotel went back to JFK this morning and finished loading my truck.  Hanger 17 is right next to the area at JFK where all the diplomats and "important" people including the President go when attending functions in NYC.  It was empty while we were there.

 It took a while to get the two antenna sections on the truck.  They are heavy and awkward.

It took 2 1/2 hours to drive the 22 miles to the George Washington Bridge.  Four of us rode in a procession with the "parade" truck up front.

I brought up the rear.  There were people driving past us taking photos of us as we drove along.  Lots of talk on the CB about us as well.  About 20 miles or so east of Dubois, PA there was a TV news helicopter hovering very low over I-80 as we passed under it.  We stopped at the Pilot truck stop in Dubois .  Will be starting out early in the morning. 

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