Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011 Morning

The State Police came over to us this morning and escorted all of us out of the truck stop.  They took us west in the east bound lane in a long line.  All in all there was at least 100 trucks in the line.  I was up front and 15th in line. 

The water had gone down A LOT since yesterday.  Could easilly see where the road was flooded out yesterday.

We stopped for a few minutes while the cops got the trucks from another truck stop.

Here is some of the flooding we saw along the way.  Remember, the water had gone down a lot since yesterday.

The white dots are bales of hay floating.

This is where we crossed the Susquehanna River.

Then over the river again.

A little while later they put us back on the west bound lane and turned us loose. 

Went into Elmira, NY and delivered.  Now on my way to Rochester for my next load.

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