Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finally got a load.  Went over to Palmer, Mass. and picked up a load of pipe.  Really great load!!  Only weighs 22,200 pounds.  Like driving with an empty trailer.  It is going to Elmira, NY.

It has been raining for the past three days.  The remnants of Tropical Storm Lee has caught up with me.  The flooding up here is amazing!!  Tried to take some photos of it but the stupid auto focus on the camera focused in on the rain on the window instead of what is outside!!  Oh well.  Had to take a detour off I-88 because of a mud slide across the road.  On a section of the detour the water was flooding across the road too.  The DOT was there with machinery and dump trucks trying desperately to keep the road open.  Went past a high school football field that was totally underwater. Could see the top half of the goal posts and the top few rows of the bleachers.  Along Rt. 17 the water was almost to the road in places. The little streams and creeks were raging rapids.  It was really cool to see.  Stopped for the night at a crappy truck stop in Nichols, NY.

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