Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Well this day didn't go like I had hoped!!  Left the truck stop this morning and drove to McLean, VA for my load.  I arrived at 6:30 and was the 4th truck in line.  Found out that there were a total of 10 trucks for this crane.  The construction guys came to work at 7am.  I sat there until a little after 1pm before I started to get loaded.  Oh yes, the wood I had to bring was not even used!!  They took it off my truck and piled it off to the side.  Of the 10 trucks to be loaded, I was the 7th.  Here is a photo of the crane and the piece (still attached) that was loaded on my truck.

It is the visible section of boom attached to the crane.  It weighs over 23,000 pounds.  I also got a counter weight.   It weighs 20,000 pounds.   Finally got loaded and out of there at 2:45.  Since this is an oversize load I could only drive until sundown.  Didn't get too far.  Stopped at a truck stop in Harrisonburg, VA on I-81.  Walked across the street and splurged for a hotel room.

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