Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another great day on the road!!  Left Oakwood, Illinois this morning at sun up.  Met my escort at the Indiana state line.  Nice drive through Indiana.  The escort dropped off at the Ohio state line.  Don't need one in Ohio.  Picked up my next escort at the West Virginia state line.  He stayed with me around Wheeling, into Pennsylvania, and back into and through West Virginia again.  He dropped off at the Maryland state line.  Don't need one in Maryland until I get to Baltimore.  Need one in Baltimore city limits.  I am in the mountains of West Virginia and west Maryland.  It is very s-l-o-w going up with this weight.  Pulling 20 mph uphill.   I stopped at a truck stop in Grantsville, Maryland for the night.

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