Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What a day!!  Last night my APU gremlin reared it's ugly head again!!  Left Ashland, VA this morning and drove to Carlisle.  As I went over the Potomac River I saw 2 of the 3 helicopters that carry the President flying towards me from the direction of Andrews Air Force Base.  Then they turned and flew up the river toward the Capitol. I thought to myself, "there are only two and there is three when they transport the President.  I'll bet they just dropped him off at Andrews".   I was right.  I looked up towards Andrews and saw Air Force One take off.  It went up very steep and then turned and flew past me parallel to I-95. I could see it very well.  Tried to snap a few photos of it as it went by but couldn't catch it. Continued on up to Carlisle, PA and delivered the piece of junk paver.   After that went over to the "home office" and dropped off my paperwork and filled up the fuel tanks.  Fuel is cheaper at the home office.  Then went over to Thermo King in Carlisle.  They are open until midnight.  Got there at about 4 pm.  It took a while but they finally found the electrical problem and replaced the faulty wiring harness.  Then I went over to the Petro truck stop in Carlisle for the night.  Got in the shower at about 10 pm.  Boy am I tired!!  Good night all!!

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