Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

Got on the road as soon as I could this morning and drove in to Decatur, IL.  On the way, passed The Corn College.  Well that peeked my curiosity!!  When I got to Decatur I asked about the Corn College.  They said it was quite a place.  The Deen is John Deere and the professors are called Colonels.  The students all sit in rows where the seeds of knowledge are planted during lectures.  They get quite an ear full.  I wonder if they are canned lectures or if they get a fresh one every year?  They combine classroom and field experience.  Their Homecoming Queen was Sweet Sue and their school mascot is a husky.  Unfortunately their football team is not very good.  They always get creamed.

Went to the Caterpillar plant in Decatur to pick up my load.  As we (there were 5 trucks in the group I was in) were being led back to the area where we were to be loaded, passed a test track that they use to test out the new equipment.  It was really cool to see a huge scraper flying around the banked track.  Something you don't see everyday!!

We then pulled up to where we were loading.  They loaded three trucks ahead of me.  Then it was my turn.  They went down the rows of chassis and found mine. 

Then they brought it to my truck.


That is 70,133 pounds of dump truck chassis flying through the air!

And then on my truck. Ready to go!

Got on the road but didn't get very far.  In Indiana I have to have an escort car.  He won't be here until tomorrow morning so I stopped for the night at a truck stop in Oakwood, Illinois.

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