Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

What a horrible day!!  Over the objections of my better judgment I accepted a load that I didn't want to take.  When will I learn that my "better judgment" is a lot smarter than I am! 

Went in to the port at Dundalk, MD arriving at about 12:30 this afternoon.  After the port staff came back from lunch at 1:00 pm, loaded a John Deere Combine.  That thing is difficult to load, but I got it up there.

Things went down hill from there.  It was 98 degrees, no shade, and no breeze.  The thing is too tall.  I am permitted for 13'11" and as it sat I was 14'8".  Fiddle farted around and finally decided to take the front wheels off.

That didn't help much, brought it down to 14'3".  Even let air out of the tires.  I tied it all down and was just about to pull out and head for the TA truck stop when I got a call and said to drop the trailer there for the night and someone was going to come over and assist in getting it lower tomorrow. 

By now it is after 5 pm and I'm physically exhausted from the heat.  Everyone else had gone home and I was the only one there.  I found a spot and dropped the trailer for the night.  Then drove over the the TA truck stop and took a very long cold shower.  I could barely eat dinner, I was so tired and drained.  Hope tomorrow is better. 

1 comment:

  1. That's aweful!!! Hope your ok?? The inner voice always knows!
