Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Got on the road at sun up this morning and drove one of my favorite sections of interstate highways, I-70 between Grand Junction and Denver, Colorado.  It is absolutely gorgeous as is snakes along beside the Colorado River, through Vail, and Breckenridge, and up and over some pretty steep Rocky Mountains.  I took some photos as I was driving.  They definitely don't do it justice.  Here are a few that I took along the way.

How would you like to live there?  Trying to tell someone where you live could turn into an Abbott and Costello routine.

You can see some of the ski slopes carved out through the trees in Vail.

Then over the first real big mountain. It is just east of Vail and goes up to 10,600 feet.

And then back down.  You can see the tree line in this photo - the altitude at which trees will no longer grow.

Then back up again to the Eisenhower Tunnel.  Elevation 11,158 feet.

This was at the entrance to the tunnel where the road leveled out to go in.  Notice that I'm climbing at break neck speed!!  Had to stop and wait for a few minutes, just before the tunnel, and let the truck cool down.  Remember, I'm pulling about 94,000 pounds up those mountains through that very thin air.

Then I drove in to Aurora and delivered the excavator.  My next load is Monday in Aurora so I went over to the TA truck stop in Denver for the rest of the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. SO beautiful!! I would love to go out there sometime! Traveling through your eyes......
