Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Made it through the night without being hassled by the cops.

This morning my load was at the Port of Long Beach.  Because my truck is older and doesn't have a bunch of pollution crap on it, it can't go into the port to load.  Welcome to "The People's Republic of California"!!  Now how smart is this??  Have to go to a business that will take you and your trailer, on a different truck, in to the port and load up.  Then come back out and put the trailer back on my truck.  Now if the idea is to reduce emissions, what sense does it make to spend hours idling or running the APU (generator) and swap trucks??  How f'en stupid!!  The environmentalists and liberal nut jobs are absolutely destroying this state with all these STUPID regulations!!  All this does is add to the cost of everything.  Does nothing to reduce pollution, in fact, it makes it worse!!  So, I was at the business at 6:30 am local time, not knowing when they open.  They opened at 8.  Sat there all morning polluting the air running my APU instead of just going in loading and leaving.  Finally a truck showed up at 11:30, local time, to take me and my trailer into the port.  I dropped my trailer and he backed up to attach to mine.  It was a brand new truck and the only one they had that didn't have RGN ramps yet, so it couldn't attach to my trailer.

For those of you that don't know, this is what RGN (Removable Goose Neck) ramps look like, and what they are for.  Look below. See the difference between the two trucks?

Had to wait some more because everyone was at lunch!

A different truck finally arrived at 2 pm local time!!!  We then went over to the port and loaded a Caterpillar  321 excavator and a small box of parts that are going to Aurora, Colorado.

Then we went back and he dropped my trailer and I picked it up.  Now I have to wait because of the Los Angeles curfew.  I went over to the scales that was only a few blocks away and scaled.  Wouldn't you know it!!  I was overweight on the trailer axles.  Untied the machine and moved it, tied it back down and re scaled.   Still not right.  Did this three more times and finally got it right.  By now curfew was over.

Got on the road at 6:30 pm local time.  Of course I can't go anywhere in LA without bumper to bumper traffic.  Finally got out of that Hell hole and over the first of many mountains - this one was over 4000 feet - and stopped for the night at the Pilot truck stop in Hesperia, California.

1 comment:

  1. Geez.....and I thought the first day back to school was rough!! Hope today is better for you!
