Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Got on the road a half hour before sun up.  Zig-zagged (that's the way the stupid State routed me.) my way up toward Fleming, Colorado.  At the scale in Colorado The DOT cop said I was 800 pounds overweight on my drive axles.  He had me re-weigh just to make sure.  I was only 180 pounds over.  He got his thong in a wad  for 180 pounds!!  A 20 year old, snot nosed, kid with a badge.  Total jerk!!   He finally decided not to give me a ticket, gave me my papers back, and off I went.  What he didn't know, and I sure wasn't going to tell him, was that I knew that I was over weight by  1260 pounds with full fuel tanks.  I had not filled up with fuel and went over his scale on the fumes!!  There was a truck stop on the other side of the scale and after I left there pulled in and got fuel.  Was way overweight again !!  But there were no more scales that I was going to cross before I deliver.  I made my way up to Fleming, CO and delivered the hub.  Don't have another load lined up yet but it is sure to be east of here so I headed that way. Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Ogallala, Nebraska.

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