Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

It had snowed a little more last night.  When I woke up it was snowing a little bit, more than flurries but not what you would really call snowing.  Got on the road at sun up. A little while later it started to snow harder.

And harder....

And harder......

The plows were out trying to keep up.....

......but the snow was getting the upper hand.

The "Snow Emergency Plan" was in effect in the two western most counties in Maryland so I couldn't go into Maryland.  Didn't matter though, I had to stop because of the road conditions anyway.  I was already in violation of my West Virginia permit. Fortunately the cops were nowhere in site - a very good thing!!!  I got off  I-68 to go to the last truck stop in West Virginia.

I stopped for the rest of the weekend in Bruceton Mills, WV at a small truck stop. No over-the-air TV. So glad I have satellite TV. Internet access here is very poor.  Was lucky to get the blog updated.

The weather report for tomorrow is good.  BUT, permit loads can't move on Sundays!!  More stupid, unnecessary regulations!!!!  Monday we are supposed to get an ice storm.  I may be here for a while.  The saga continues....

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics!! Hope you can get back on the road though....stay warm and be safe!

