Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

After a very nice relaxing weekend, the week started off like crap!!  Went over and picked up my trailer first thing this morning and drove over to the place where I was to unload.  I arrived at 8 am local time and was taken to a staging area.  And there I sat.  Eventually there were nine trucks there with me.  We all sat there and watched about a dozen other trucks come in and get unloaded and leave.  No one even had the common decency  to us to explain what they were doing, or anything.  Just left us there to rot all day.  No food, no restroom, nothing.  We were all pretty pissed off!!  GE (General Electric) really SUCKS!!!!  It will be a long time before I do another one of these.  At 4:45 pm local time we were all brought back to where we were to unload.  Sat there until 5:35 when I finally got unloaded. Took only 5 minutes to get unloaded!!!!!
Next load is tomorrow morning in Waterloo, Iowa.   I went over to Iowa 80 truck stop for food and fuel and then on to Waterloo.  Stopped for the night at the staging area at the John Deere plant in Waterloo.  I am number 19 in line for loading tomorrow morning.

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