Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

We left the diner this morning and made fantastic time in to Philadelphia.  So good, in fact, we were too early and had to pull off the road and wait for curfew to be over at 9 am.  When we were able to move again we drove to the Walt Whitman bridge and stopped in the "Permit Load Waiting Area" and waited for the cops to arrive to take us across the bridge.   Once he arrived we were on the move again.  He blocked traffic and we had the east bound side of the bridge all to ourselves as we crossed.  On the NJ side he dropped off and we were back on our own.  As we followed the assigned route to the port we came across a bit of an error.  Do you see the problem?

If you thought the overpass was too low, you were correct.  Fortunately I was at this port last week and knew a way around this.  Arrived at the port and unloaded the machine with only a minor (to us) glitch.  The crane that they were going to use to unload me was struck by lightening last night.  They didn't know that until they started it up and started to move it.  It bucked and bounced a bit and then stopped working all together.  It was a bit unnerving to be right under a monster crane as it bucks and bounces.  I was able to get a photo of the crane from Google Maps.

We ended up moving down the dock to another crane just like that one.  Once empty I drove over to the TA truck stop in Paulsboro, NJ.  Arrived there just before noon. First thing went over and got a pizza for lunch!!  After that, shower and get in bed.  My back aches a lot!!

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