Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Left Oak Grove, MO just before sun up.  Good day on the road.  Traffic was light all day.  As I was getting toward Indianapolis, IN I saw a lot of black smoke.  Initially I thought an airliner went down because it started out looking like it was near the airport.  As I got closer I realized that it was not near the airport.  It was on the west side of the city.  

I basically went around it on the highway but didn't get close enough to see what was burning. 

Found out later that it was a warehouse on fire.  Click below for video.

Click Here For Video

Stopped for the rest of the weekend at the Petro truck stop in New Paris, Ohio.  That is right on the Indiana / Ohio line.  Couldn't go any further because my Ohio permit does not start until Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Be safe....we are headed to the beach for a week in a couple of weeks if you get a break come for the day...
