Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

Started off this morning in a thunderstorm but drove out of it pretty quickly.  Apparently it rained a lot last night.  There was a lot of minor flooding.  Delivered the excavator this morning.  They had a lot of rain too.  MUD everywhere.  Of course I got a lot of mud all over the truck, inside and out.  Next load is Monday in Garden City, KS.  Drove down to a truck stop in Garden City.  Once there cleaned the mud, now dried dirt, out of the truck.  Shook out and vacuumed the rugs.  Did the floors. Then showered and then refilled my water tank. Made dinner and hopped in bed.  Found out this afternoon that because of the rain, they can't load me Monday.  So we will see what happens Monday.

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