Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Found out at dinner time that they won't be able to load me here until next Monday.  So I took a different load.  Drove up to Wichita.  On the way here is what the sky looked like with a thunder storm off to the south.

As soon as I got parked at the truck stop in Newton, KS (just north of Wichita) a huge thunderstorm hit.  This was the most severe storm I have been in in many years!   Lightening and thunder crashing all around and very close!! The wind was amazing!!  This truck was really rocking A LOT!!!  National Weather Service said in their Severe Thunderstorm Warning that the wind was gusting 50-60 mph.  I believe it!!  The rain was unbelievably heavy and sideways.  Had pea size hail too.  Parking lot was a river for a little while. Just an awesome storm to be in.  I loved it.  Just sat in the cab and watched it.  Unfortunately it was well after dark so I couldn't get any photos for you.  They wouldn't do it justice anyway, had to experience it live.

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