Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Left Pendelton, KY just before sunrise.  Great day driving but other problems clouded the day.  Got stuck for a slight delay  in bumper to bumper traffic because of a double fatality crash.  A car crossed the median and slammed into a semi truck head on.  There was very little of the car left.  My roof A/C unit compressor seized up last night so I have no A/C when I'm parked.  That's not a good thing where I'm going.  A rock got kicked up and broke my windshield.  

Then my new light bar quit rotating.  Made an appointment to get the A/C fixed Monday afternoon after I deliver.  Stopped for the night, after driving 694 miles, at a Super 8 hotel in Texarkana, Texas.  The first room I was given was all the way at the opposite end of the hotel from where I parked.  The A/C in the room didn't work very well so I had to go back and get a different room.  Then I fixed my light bar, took a shower, ordered a pizza, and got in bed.  Just heard the local weather.  It was 101 today.  

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