Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Went back over to the job site this morning.  There were four of us there.  Two had compressors that were smaller than the turbine I had.  There was another truck that also had a turbine.  The large crane was there too.  We sat there watching the crane get set up all morning.  At about 10 local time they started to unload us.  First they unloaded the smaller compressors.  At about 11:30 the famous Oklahoma wind kicked up.  Finally a little after noon it was my turn.  I pilled up and backed into the area at the crane to unload. 

Then they unwrapped it.

Then they attached the cables to lift it off.

Then they started to lift it off.  That's where the fun began.  The front came up, but the back didn't.  So back down it went.

To make a very long and exasperating story short, three and a half hours later it finally came off!!

My next load is tomorrow in North Little Rock, Arkansas.  I left there and drove to the Petro truck stop in Oklahoma City for the night.  Needless to say, I won't be in North Little Rock in the morning.

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