Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Left the truck stop after sunrise this morning and drove in to the Port of Baltimore and delivered the "box".  Next load was way back in Kitzmiller, Maryland. That is in the furthest west county in Maryland and the town is at the southern most point in the county. Where I loaded was at a coal mine about 45 minutes to an hours drive south of I-68 on back roads. Then about a half mile to a mile back on a snow/ice covered dirt road in the woods.  Loaded a Hitachi EX 2500 Engine Room.  It is going to another mine in Evansville, Indiana.  I'll have photos tomorrow.  By the time I finished tonight it was dark and it had started to snow.  Stayed there for the night.  Weather forecast is for 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight.  I may be here for a few days.

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